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Why Your Mindset REALLY Matters

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Did you know your mindset plays a HUGE role in your success or failure? When it comes to what you want out of life and whether or not you actually achieve it, your mindset plays a significant role in determining achievement and success.

There 2 different mindsets I’d like to bring up here, one can push your success forward and the other can actually stop you from being successful in life. The best part of it all though is you get to decide and define what success means to you.

Once I explain these two different kinds of mindsets you may look at it in a different way.



So what is mindset? It’s kind of a big deal and it REALLY matters. It’s a way of thinking, it’s a collection of your thoughts, beliefs it shapes who you are. It plays a huge role in your success or your failure I mean, you really can’t fail at anything unless you completely give up but,  if you feel like you’re kind of stuck and feel like you’re a failure you can change it. Your mindset plays a huge role in your achievement and success.

 The two I’m talking about are fixed mindset or growth mindset.

Fixed mindset kind of it what it is like nothing can change. It’s forming your beliefs and your habits and it’s kind of keeping you inside this little box of thinking that nothing can change because it’s been this way and it’s never going to be any different. BUT! You get to decide if you want to stay there or go any further in life. You get to decide if this is just where you’ll stay and if you’re cool with it or not. 

A growth mindset is a mindset that says I can develop into something bigger and better than I ever thought I could be. I can achieve huge things. I can strengthen my weaknesses. I can find that missing link and I can figure out how I can learn and expand and experience more things.

The people you hang out with can have a huge impact on your mindset. Your mindset can be a settled way of thinking but it can be changed if need be. So you can either be resilient and keep bouncing back and have that growth mindset going or you can give up and say this is what it is and I’m FML life sucks…BUT, when you have the right people in your life, you will go back to that growth mindset and get so much further in life than you ever imagined.



Maybe you need an attitude and mindset adjustment. Maybe you’re kind of sick of being stuck or feeling like you really can’t get any further cuz “it is what it is”. Maybe you need to get out of that fixed mindset and turn things around in your life. Maybe its time to find the positive and out an upswing in your life.

You can totally switch it around, you get to write your story.

It’s all up to you and your mindset…It might be time to look into switching it up into that GROWTH MINDSET!!!


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Hey there, I'm Melanie. I help women DITCH THE DIET MENTALITY and reclaim their health through mindful eating, hormone balancing, stress management, and digestive healing.

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