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New Month, New Goals…Take Massive Action

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I’m sure you’ve all heard that old saying, new month new goals. How many times have you said that to yourself at the beginning of each month?

We all set these new goals each month or at the beginning of the year BUT do you really stick to them. How’s your New Years Resolution going so far? Are you living your dreams? It’s time to quit playing small and step out of your comfort zone and take massive action.

Are you playing small in life or are you playing BIG? If you’re not, you could be missing out on some huge opportunities in life. There are even people out there that are missing out on what you have to offer by you not living big.

Think BIG

You have to think big to live big!



It’s time to think big. I mean really big. What would your life look like if you hit all the goals you set for yourself this month? Your thoughts become your reality and when you think big, you act big and you achieve big. You really can achieve anything you set your mind to. There is unlimited potential!

It all starts with one simple thought. If the thought doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable, then you are not thinking big enough.

Whatever your thought or goal is, ask yourself:

“What will my life be like when I reach this goal?”

“How will my life be positively impacted once I reach my goal?”

“Who will be there to celebrate with me when I reach my goal?”

When you think big, there are no fears, obstacles or roadblocks that you cannot get past. It’s as though life is conspiring in your favor, breaking down all walls and obstacles that are standing in your way, thus releasing your unlimited potential to develop the habit of thinking big, acting big, and doing bigger things than you ever thought were possible.



Believe Big

This is probably the hardest for me to get into my mind. BELIEF. Can I hit these goals? Am I worthy of it?

Sometimes you have to find some support in order to believe in yourself. I am so glad I have those kinds of people in my life. They believe in me when I don’t quite see it and they push me to reach my goals.

If the belief is not there, we end up quitting and giving up on ourselves. When that happens, things seem to hit a standstill and we don’t end up hitting our goals. When you have a supportive group of people in your life, they make sure you don’t give up on yourself. They stand in your greatness even when you just don’t see it.

It’s the little things like that that will help you see the possibilities and start to believe in yourself and that you are completely worthy of reaching your goals and dreams.


Set your goals and take action, MASSIVE ACTION! I’m sure you’ve heard Tony Robbins say it a few times. Massive action will get you massive results. When you start to take action, no matter how slow, you see things differently in your life. You see yourself accomplish one thing at a time and know that you are capable of reaching your goals.

Set yourself up for success, plan it out, write it down and take action. Nothing will ever get done if all you have is thoughts. Act BIG, take massive action and follow through with your commitment. You can do whatever you set your mind to and you are so capable of so many things. Go out and do!!

Keep acting and expand your knowledge, your opportunities and your LIFE!! LIVE BIG AF!!! By taking massive action you can turn the possibilities into reality.

Get Big Results

When you think big, believe big and act big, of course, you’ll get big results. How awesome would that be? Imagine yourself at that level of life. You got yourself some big results, now what? How will your life be? How will it be different? What impact will these results have on your life?

Final Thoughts: 

Success is simply the result of many actions stacked on top of each other. Success demands massive action with purpose. With that purpose, you know WHY you are doing something and it makes it that much easier to reach your goals.

Reaching your goals in life requires consistent action until you get the results you want. It requires determined action when things aren’t going your way. It requires persistent action when you feel defeated by the many obstacles and challenges. Don’t ever give up! You deserve all that life has to offer you!


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Hey there, I'm Melanie. I help women DITCH THE DIET MENTALITY and reclaim their health through mindful eating, hormone balancing, stress management, and digestive healing.

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