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Things You’ll Miss When Your Kids Grow Older

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As parents, I’m sure you’ve all heard someone say “You’re going to miss this when it’s gone.” I swore I would NEVER miss it but, guess what, I do. My kids are now 23, 17 and 13 and I do kind of miss a few things about when they were babies. The thing that is bring these memories back to me is the fact that my oldest daughter will be moving 800 miles away in less than 2 week…..letting that sink in as reality is a tad bit rough on the heart strings I tell ya.

So, as a parent of children who are past the sleepless nights and time outs phase, I can tell you that you WILL miss it. Now, I’m not going to tell what you’ll miss because that’s all up to you and what you experience with your kids as they grow up.

I will tell you this though, the things I miss are so near and dear to my heart now but at the time, I never thought of it as something I WOULD indeed miss as they grew up.

So what do I miss? I miss the late night feedings when my son used to fall back asleep on my chest after having his bottle. Now, I at the time, I certainly did NOT miss the sleep I was missing out on but those precious moments only lasted so long.

I miss reading them books. I swear I read Fox in Sox to my oldest about 14 million times and each time I would try to skip a few pages only for her to catch me trying to turn more than one page at a time. I swear that book is way more than a tongue twister. I hated it at the time but again, I miss that time spent with her EVERY darn night. I miss reading my son The Giving Tree, that book will forever have a special place in my heart.

I miss the snuggles. I wasn’t a fan of the “lay with me” ALL NIGHT phase but I did love when they would hug me tight and snuggle. I miss the “Mommy can you marry me?” and the “Mommy, you’re my best friend.” I only hope that deep down inside of each of their hearts that I will forever be their best friend.




As a mom I’m sure there were times where I almost lost my $#it on them not once, not twice but many times when they were younger BUT I managed to keep myself sane and hold it all in. Then there were times at the end of the day where I didn’t know if I could do it again the next day. There were times they tested every bit of patience I had but in the end, those are all things you can look back and laugh at. Know you’re doing you’re best and on days when they test you and push every button you have, make sure you peek in on them when they’re sleeping just to see what amazing kids you have.

You WILL look back and realize what you miss one day BUT until then, enjoy every minute you can with them because life is so precious and so are those babies of yours!!

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Hey there, I'm Melanie. I help women DITCH THE DIET MENTALITY and reclaim their health through mindful eating, hormone balancing, stress management, and digestive healing.

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