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How to Be True to Yourself in Your Relationships

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When it comes to relationships it’s so important to stay true to yourself in ANY relationship you have. Whether it be a relative, a friend or a significant other, if you can’t be true to who you really are then that relationship may be doing more harm than good for you. Being true to who you are in your relationships makes that relationship more fulfilling and genuine.

We all want to make a positive impression on someone when we first meet them, so we present our best selves. It’s not that we are being inauthentic, but we may not yet be comfortable being our true selves. There is fear that if we show our less-than-wonderful attributes, that person will think less of us and possibly reject us.

Your relationships should be based off of who you truly are, your values and beliefs. If someone is trying to make you change that, then that relationship may not be in your best interest.



We can’t choose our family but we can choose our friends and significant others and you should choose them wisely.  If you begin a relationship with true intentions by being yourself and being authentic, you are setting the tone for a positive relationship.  You are also in a sense giving the other person “permission” to be themselves with you. Acceptance is a very attractive quality in any relationship you want someone who sees the real you and is honest about who they are. After all, knowing you can be yourselves, value each other and also yourselves is firm groundwork for a long-term relationship.

I have a friend that I have had since I was pretty much born and we have been through it all, we have fought like cats and dogs, lost touch for a few years but in the end we can still pick up right where we left off like nothing happened. We know we are there for each other no matter what, we’ve never tried to change the other, we know we can both say whatever needs to be said without judgement and we can truly be ourselves.

Keeping your own identity and staying true to oneself in any relationship can be a bit challenging at times.

So how do you stay true to yourself in your relationships?

Here are some great tips:

  1. Don’t try to impress someone by trying to agree with and like everything they like. sometimes, it’s ok to be different. The right person won’t cross you off their list for not always agreeing with them.
  2.  Don’t hide your uniqueness. You’ll attract so many true relationships by just being yourself, be unique, be weird, be YOU!
  3. Keep your other relationships. If you have a relationship with someone who is keeping you from your other friends and family. It’s ok to still see your other friends and family and no one should keep you from that.
  4. Don’t sacrifice your identity to have a relationship with anyone. Don’t make the mistake of changing who you are just to please others.
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Hey there, I'm Melanie. I help women DITCH THE DIET MENTALITY and reclaim their health through mindful eating, hormone balancing, stress management, and digestive healing.

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