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The SECRET to getting a Lean Body

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The Secret to getting a lean body…


The secret is, there is no secret. If someone tells you there is an easy way or a short cut, they are lying. Don’t buy into the quick fixes that are out there. The truth is, if you want the body you desire to live in, it is going to take hard work and consistency.  Once you get there it is going to take effort to maintain it. You can’t take the quick fix and stop all efforts once you get there. It doesn’t work that way.



You may have to get sweaty and sore to get where you want to be AND you will definitely have to make some changes to your eating habits.  That’s all there is to it. There is no secret, no quick fix, no magic potion.


You can hate the ones who are there if you want but just remember, they worked hard to get there and to stay that way. You should be proud of their efforts and dedication and know that YOU can do it too. All it takes is taking the first step.  Don’t compare your first step to someone else’s 100thstep.


I can tell you this, fit and healthy taste better than any junk food out there….


Eat right and get in your exercise and you’ll find the secret to getting lean. You must fuel your body properly, you can’t starve yourself “lean”. What works for one may not work for the other but I can tell you that if what you’re doing now to get there isn’t a permanent lifestyle change, then don’t expect permanent results.


The most important thing I can tell you is that YOU should feel comfortable in your own skin and with who you are. When you focus on that and the health aspect of it all, the rest falls into place.


If you are looking for a great kick start on how and what to eat to help you lean out, you’ll want to click the picture below to get your FREE 6 Day Lean Out and Eat Clean meal plan.


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Hey there, I'm Melanie. I help women DITCH THE DIET MENTALITY and reclaim their health through mindful eating, hormone balancing, stress management, and digestive healing.

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