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Episode #86: Vanessa’s Transformation Story

Episode #86: Vanessa’s Transformation Story

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I always love a good transformation story and today I will be sharing Vanessa’s.

When Vanessa first came to me she was struggling with her self-confidence. Her long-term goal was to feel good about her appearance and have more self-confidence. She also wanted to make healthy eating a habit and make working out a daily habit.

Well, not only did she accomplish ALL of those, but we made it work for her life. It was all about HOW we could incorporate these things into her life as simple new habits.

Here’s a little of what she had to say…

“The positive changes that I have seen and still see are that I am enough.
I can do it (whatever it is I put my mind to) and that things will be ok.
I am now able to see the real person in the mirror. I didn’t lose all the weight I thought I needed to lose but honestly, it was the guilt and the fear and the self-doubt that was weighing me down more so than that actual number on the scale.
I learned that I am not a quick fix and this is an ongoing process, and I learn something new about myself every day.”

To hear the rest of Vanessa’s Story be sure to listen to the full podcast.

Unedited Video of our interview:

If Vanessa’s story resonated with you and you would like to explore what it would be like working with me…

Feel free to fill out the application below and we can set up a FREE breakthrough session and see if we’re a good fit.


If you are stuck, frustrated, sick of yo-yo dieting and want to reclaim your health and would like a little group support and some awesome tips on nutrition and exercise for lasting weight loss and lifestyle balance…

Come join us in our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP

This group is specifically for women who want and need a different approach to weight loss and health…an approach from the inside, out!

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Hey there, I'm Melanie. I help women DITCH THE DIET MENTALITY and reclaim their health through mindful eating, hormone balancing, stress management, and digestive healing.

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