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Episode #78: 5 Surprising Shifts That Will Help You Reach and Maintain Your Goal Weight

Episode #78: 5 Surprising Shifts That Will Help You Reach and Maintain Your Goal Weight

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In this episode, I’m going to be walking about 5 surprising, yet simple shifts that you can make that will have you hitting your weight loss goals in no time.

I get it, you’ve tried it all and you’re still unhappy with the way your body looks and feels. I have been there more times than I’d like to admit.
Nothing seems to work long term and what used to work for you way back when is no longer getting you the results you desire.

Maybe you just can’t seem to get back to your old self no matter what you do resort to going on another diet and counting calories once again.

Can I put a truth bomb out there for you?
There is a DEEPER reason why you’re unable to keep the weight off long term and it has nothing to do with your diet and food.

Let’s talk about these 5 shifts you can make and start seeing results TODAY!!!

The link I talked about in this podcast for my

I also discussed the link to get into my Private group (for women) CLICK HERE to join us.

If you are stuck, frustrated, sick of yo-yo dieting and want to reclaim your health, and would like a little group support and some awesome tips on nutrition and exercise for lasting weight loss and lifestyle balance…come join us.

This group is specifically for women who want and need a different approach to weight loss and health…an approach from the inside, out!

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Hey there, I'm Melanie. I help women DITCH THE DIET MENTALITY and reclaim their health through mindful eating, hormone balancing, stress management, and digestive healing.

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