Episode # 191 RECOVERY in Action…Post-Op Update
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Well, as of now I am coming up on 6 weeks post-op. I have started PT and I am SLOWLY moving forward.
Am I glad I did it? Well, I can say I am glad I am no longer in the pain I was in BUT It seems the more people I talk to, the more they want to try to confirm my fears. This is why I didn’t tell many people I was even having the surgery. Now, I have people asking me how I am doing and then they go into “Man, you just hear so many bad stories about back surgery”..yep, thank you for your time, and I will gladly show you my hand (thank your lucky stars it is all 5 fingers) and tell you I do not want to hear it. SERIOUSLY, who the fuck does that and why? SHUT THE FUCK UP about it, PLEASE!!
Anyway, I am in a place now where a LOT scares me and I am listening to every signal my body is giving me and taking things very slowly. Some people aren’t happy about that but, again, I am giving ZERO fucks about what someone else thinks. It’s real, I was REALLY cut on and I am in recovery and taking it one day at a time. Trust me when I say I WIH I was faking this all along because I do not wish this on my worst enemy!!
Everyone heals differently and every little thing I FEEL scares the shit out of me now. I’ll be talking more about all the feels and how my recovery is going in this episode.
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