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Episode #21: 4 Reasons WHY Before and After Pictures are BULL SHIT

Episode #21: 4 Reasons WHY Before and After Pictures are BULL SHIT

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Oh yes, I’m calling BS on those before and after pics. I cannot tell you how many before pictures I have taken over the years only to end up being pissed off in the end. I do NOT have one single after picture because I did NOT see any difference.
At least, nothing I THOUGHT was different in the before versus after photo.

In this episode, I’ll fill you in on the 4 reasons WHY before and after pictures are B.S., why they say nothing about your overall health and why they don’t always equal confidence.

You’ll be surprised to hear that you can actually be happy, healthy and confident without ever taking a before or after picture…because they’re BULL SHIT!!

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Hey there, I'm Melanie. I help women DITCH THE DIET MENTALITY and reclaim their health through mindful eating, hormone balancing, stress management, and digestive healing.

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