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Melissa’s Support Group Transformation

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In the support groups I run there are always empowering transformations going on. People have decided to take control of their health and fitness and smash their goals. The support and inspiration is never short of admirable in these groups. Everyone comes together with similar goals and motivates each other and lets them know they’re not alone.

I have to give a super shout out to my girl Melissa on all of her hard work she has been putting in. She shows up every day and has pushed past several obstacles and just keeps going strong.

She is an absolute inspiration to many in and outside of our group. I had the chance to ask her a few questions regarding her journey in the group aspect and here is what she had to say about it all.

Why did you join Melanie’s challenge/support group?

I was ready to get serious about my health and myself. I have spent so much time saying I am going to start I am going to start and never really did. I tend to use excuses and emotions to cover up needing to get healthier. When this group became open and I learned there were only three slots, I submitted my why. I have always felt supported by Melanie and she is a truly amazing coach. She is supportive, but also does not take excuses which is exactly what I needed.

How did Melanie Help you?

Treating me like an individual. She took time to understand how I came to the present situation with my diet and health that I am in and she worked with me on creating a plan that worked best for me. She supported me, answered all of my questions, and gave me a kick in the butt when needed. She also created a group for the three of us that were being coached by her and she made sure that we checked in and wrote about our journey(which truly helps me).

My results were…

Amazing! This program honestly works if you allow it to. I allowed myself a few cheats here and there, but for the most part I followed my plan and the workout every day. I lost lbs and inches and feel so much more energy than I have ever felt before.

The thing I liked best was…

I liked the program because it is easy to follow and the workouts were awesome and so convenient. Since all of them were available through Beachbody, I could no longer use the excuse that I was going to go to the gym, but didn’t. I also liked the fact that there was a group for me to go to for support not only from Melanie, but others that were on my journey at the same time.

I would recommend Melanie to people who need…

guidance, support, and a jumpstart to a healthier lifestyle. She truly does care about you as a person and not as a customer. She works with and checks in with you weekly.

What did you like best about the group?

The group was small, but supportive. We all shared ideas and kept each other accountable.

How could I support or motivate you better?

I don’t think there could be more support. You do such an awesome job with coaching and motivating, that I could not ask for someone better to help me with this.

How much weight did you lose? How many inches did you lose?

10 lbs and 5 inches

 How awesome is that? Melissa has done an amazing job and is still going. She is not letting any excuses get in the way. I want to thank her for all of the great and inspiring posts she adds to the group, along with her helpful tips and recipes.

Melissa, I am so proud of you for deciding to show up each day and be in this group. You have taken control of your health and fitness and busted your butt to get the results you want. You have become stronger and I am proud of the confidence you show with your posts you share. Keep it up!!!

If you are looking for health and fitness advice, feel free to set up a call with me and we can get you started in the right direction. 

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Hey there, I'm Melanie. I help women DITCH THE DIET MENTALITY and reclaim their health through mindful eating, hormone balancing, stress management, and digestive healing.

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