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To the Ladies Afraid to Put on a Bathing Suit

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To the ladies afraid to put on the bathing suit, you’re not alone.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve never really felt comfortable in a bathing suit. I can remember feeling insecure about my body even as far back as my junior high years. I’d hide under my clothes until I couldn’t handle sweating anymore and then I’d do a double take to make sure no one was looking and I’d quick jump into the water and I’d do the same when getting out..I had to have my towel close by so I could cover right back up.



The reason I bring this up is because it has been an issue in my health and fitness groups with some of the ladies I work with. It’s tough when we are not happy with our bodies. I had a similar incident a few months ago when this negative body image came creeping back up on me.

My daughter moved to FLORIDA of all places. Beaches on every corner!! Well, we drove her down there and for reasons I don’t care to discuss, I was pissed when I packed my clothes and said “eff” it, I’m not bringing a damn suit. Well, would ya know, they wanted to go to the beach. CRAP!!

I wasn’t about to sit there in my shorts sweating my ya-ya’s off while everyone else was running in and out of the water and having a good time. So what else did I do but go and look for a suit to buy. Let me tell you, I prayed that there would A.) Be a suit that fit me and B.) one that actually kept me covered in the spots that I wanted covered. Thankfully, I found a suit that met that criteria. WHEW!!



It’s interesting how not being comfortable in your own skin can ruin a good memory, It can really effect some of the best experiences you can have. Imagine if I hadn’t put my negative body image feelings aside. I would have missed out. That’s not what life is supposed to be. Stop being a prisoner to these negative thoughts and quit worrying so much about what you look like or what people will think about you.

So here’s what I have to say to those of you who may feel this exact way. WEAR THE DAMN SUIT!! Get out there and make memories with your family and quit being so hard on yourself. Quit holding yourself back just because you are a little insecure. It’s time to put those insecurities aside and be comfortable with who you are. Love the skin you’re in, quit comparing yourself to others and get out there and WEAR THE DAMN SUIT!

WEAR IT…So many times we are missing out on life by being afraid of what we look like. Get out there and FEEL life. Life is too short to always be worrying about your body and what it looks like.

You were given this one life and you have to live it. Don’t be a prisoner to your thoughts. Learn to love your body as it is. If you’re working at making some positive changes to love yourself more, be patient with yourself and love yourself through the process. You’ll get there. Be confident with the skin you’re in, you’re beautiful.

Don’t let your fears rob you of living. Don’t let your fears rob you of your memories — your memories, your kids’ memories, your loved ones memories.

Stay positive friends!! Say goodbye to the fears! WEAR THE SUIT and enjoy life.


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Hey there, I'm Melanie. I help women DITCH THE DIET MENTALITY and reclaim their health through mindful eating, hormone balancing, stress management, and digestive healing.

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