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It’s your Stinking Thinking…How to Deal with Negative Thinking

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Saying you CAN’T do something, won’t get you too far. I’ve been there, trust me. The hardest part is getting away from the negative thoughts and keeping on track.

How many times have you woke up saying, I’m going to start today: you do it a few times and by the end of the week you’re done and you end up right back where you were. You beat yourself up with the negative thinking and give up on whatever it is. You tell yourself you just can’t do it!!

It’s time to change your stinking thinking and be positive. It’s time to make a commitment and make the changes and stick to it and see it through. Give it 100% and push the negative thoughts away. Seeing it through may be the hardest part BUT you’ve go to want it. You’ve got to want it and you’ve got to believe in yourself and stick with it.

These little changes that you find hard now, will soon be easy and become habits and you’ll make it a lifestyle and you’ll see changes and stay motivated.


Here are some great ways to stay motivated and keep those NEGATIVE thoughts away.

*Take it one step at a time.

*Set a goal and stay steady with it.

*Start with where you’re at and slowly progress

*Get into a routine and get your body used to the changes

You can’t just jump in to things like it’s your 100th day, you’ll shock your body and it will be harder than you ever imagined and you will FAIL and then those negative thoughts will creep up on you again. This is where the “I can’t) comes in.

You have to take it at your pace and realize there will be some mess ups but you can push past them and make it. You have to REALLY want the changes and the end results.

Give yourself time, make the commitment and you WILL succeed.

It’s all about being better than you were yesterday and being the best YOU that YOU can be.

Stay positive my friends. Positive thoughts lead to positive action which leads to positive results!

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Hey there, I'm Melanie. I help women DITCH THE DIET MENTALITY and reclaim their health through mindful eating, hormone balancing, stress management, and digestive healing.

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