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Episode #76: Why the whole NEW YEAR, NEW ME is Complete BS!

Episode #76: Why the whole NEW YEAR, NEW ME is Complete BS!

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I get it…with the new year comes a whole NEW outlook on life. I honestly LOVE setting goals and there is nothing wrong with having a plan to get from point A to point B…


In this episode, I’m bringing out all the BS that these “DIETS” are dropping in your news feed as the new year approaches…YEP!! I’m picking a fight and dropping truth bombs and F-Bombs in hopes that you will not fall prey and waste your time, effort, and money ONCE AGAIN on these false promise BS diet scams.

REMEMBER, they have a 95% FAILURE RATE!! It’s not you, it’s the damn diet.
The diet industry is telling you lies and of course, I’m out to call them out.

WHY is it that every December, the news feed is filled with DIET advertisements? Is that what we’ve become? A society of working towards a SMALLER body to FEEL good?

I’m challenging you, right now to once and for all STOP with the diets and work on reframing how you are working on your health without directly connecting them to your body size or the number on the scale.

Let’s talk about the BS…

I don’t know why we do this to ourselves. Every year, we jump on the NEW YEAR NEW ME bandwagon and the number one goal is to lose weight!!

Don’t get me wrong. Setting goals and working to achieve them is an honorable mission in life. But I’m not going to pretend that a calendar change makes me a completely different person.

But here’s a thought: instead of subscribing to what’s become a very tired narrative, this year, let January be yours.
There are so many reasons why you might consider this:

  • You can start anything at any time
  • Weight loss isn’t everything
  • It’s all about the journey

2021 is the year that you can focus on being healthier rather than “getting” smaller.

Not sure how or where to start?
Let me help you ditch diet culture, set goals that don’t include weight loss, and help you feel better from the inside out.

Are you ready to enter into the new year focusing on what makes your body feel good? Share your key takeaways from this episode with me in the comments below.

FREE DOWNLOAD I discussed in this episode


If you are stuck, frustrated, sick of yo-yo dieting and want to reclaim your health and would like a little group support and some awesome tips on nutrition and exercise for lasting weight loss and lifestyle balance…

Come join us in our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP

This group is specifically for women who want and need a different approach to weight loss and health…an approach from the inside, out!

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Hey there, I'm Melanie. I help women DITCH THE DIET MENTALITY and reclaim their health through mindful eating, hormone balancing, stress management, and digestive healing.

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