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Episode # 173 Can You Be Healthy at Any Size?

Episode # 173 Can You Be Healthy at Any Size?

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Can you be healthy at any size? I know that is somewhat controversial out there in society these days but, I’m going to talk about it because it needs to be out in the open.

I’d like you to listen to this episode with an open mind, and see if you think a bit differently at the end. 

Health comes in all shapes and sizes! I said what I said. It’s not that your weight doesn’t matter BUT it doesn’t define you and it sure as hell isn’t the defining factor of your overall health. I mean really… is carrying a few extra pounds really as big a deal as everyone makes it out to be? I get it, we have an obesity “epidemic” but I think it’s being approached from the completely wrong direction and I’m about to tell you why. 

So what the heck is HEALTHY AT ANY SIZE? It’s a movement that promotes acceptance and appreciation of one’s body, even if you’re considered to be overweight. It encourages overweight people to shift their focus from losing weight to other healthy habits, such as eating healthy foods and getting more exercise. Weight loss is not the be all end all to health! 

You can be health AND unhealthy at any size…Being in a smaller, society-accepted body doesn’t mean health. I can tell you FIRST-HAND that when I was smaller and weighed less that I was probably at the most unhealthiest time of my life…oh, but I fit the part that society wants us to think is healthy. That is why I fight this so hard to let others know that health comes in many sizes and shapes. 

If you’re still wanting to fight me on this one, I encourage you to listen to this podcast and then take a few minutes to let it sink in. You may find you see things from a little different point of view. 


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Hey there, I'm Melanie. I help women DITCH THE DIET MENTALITY and reclaim their health through mindful eating, hormone balancing, stress management, and digestive healing.

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