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Episode #56: 5 Tips on Staying Healthy During Stressful Times

Episode #56: 5 Tips on Staying Healthy During Stressful Times

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Whether you feel stressed out right now or not…there are times (Like these) where it is important to remember your health.

In this episode, I’m giving you 5 tips on staying healthy during stressful times…ESPECIALLY during a pandemic!

We all experience stress and anxiety on occasion, some of us more than others as we all deal differently, but there are situations in our life that can raise our stress levels…LIKE a DAMN PANDEMIC!!

Added stress can harm our immune systems, our digestion, our sleeping pattern, and even our HORMONES!!! So how does one make sure they are working on managing their stress along with staying healthy during stressful times?

I’m so glad you asked because that is EXACTLY what I will be talking about during this podcast. While there are many things we cannot control, there ARE quite a few that we CAN control.

It’s important to recognize that we MUST take our health into our own hands and a few simple steps to manage our mindset to get through times of uncertainty, overwhelming stress, and anxiety..which is what I’m about to discuss in this podcast.

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Hey there, I'm Melanie. I help women DITCH THE DIET MENTALITY and reclaim their health through mindful eating, hormone balancing, stress management, and digestive healing.

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