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Episode #45: 10 Common Weight Loss Mistakes & What To Do About Them

Episode #45: 10 Common Weight Loss Mistakes & What To Do About Them

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When it comes to weight- loss so many of us are searching for the right diet. There’s so much information out there BUT it’s very possible you may be making these 10 mistakes…without really knowing it.

In this episode, I’ll be addressing these 10 common mistakes we have all made and what to do about them to actually see sustainable weight loss.
Once you are aware of these mistakes, you’ll have a good idea of what’s been holding you back and how to get started back towards reaching your weight-loss goals.

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Hey there, I'm Melanie. I help women DITCH THE DIET MENTALITY and reclaim their health through mindful eating, hormone balancing, stress management, and digestive healing.

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