Making Time for Yourself: PART 1, Prioritizing Your Priorities
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Are you prioritizing your priorities? Are you making everything a priority? Even things that maybe aren’t that important?
Do you feel like you HAVE to get it all done or you lose your mind OR are you losing your mind trying to get it all done?
It might be time to prioritize your priorities. So, what is a priority? A Priority is something that is very important and must be dealt with before other things.
I know, this may be difficult to decipher since you seem to always be prioritizing your priorities when everything is a priority. But, if you’re feeling overwhelmed then it is certainly time to figure out what is MOST important to you before you lose your sanity.
So, how do you make the best use of your time in prioritizing? Define your TOP priorities and determine what matters MOST. Focus on what will have the greatest impact on your day or life. THIS would be a priority.
Sometimes we, tend to spend too much effort and time on the things that don’t matter versus the important things…it’s kind of being counter productive to say the least. SO we have to make sure we aren’t “too busy” with the things that don’t matter so much instead of getting the REAL stuff done.
I know we think we don’t have time to get it all done in a day but in all reality, our lack of time is actually lack of PRIORITIES.
So, how does one prioritize their priorities?
Start by figuring out what all has to be done..for the day, the week, the month, whatever it is you are prioritizing.
Urgent tasks are tasks that have to be dealt with immediately. What is an urgent task?That would be for you to determine. I can tell you it is definitely NOT cleaning a toilet. It might be something like a doctors appointment, a project that is due, something with a deadline. This would be on your list in the need to do first category.
Important tasks are tasks that contribute to long-term missions and goals. This may be along the lines of cleaning the toilet. Just saying.
Urgent tasks definitely need time set aside to get done. It is more than likely the thing that needs to get done first. Once you have determined your URGENT priorities, then you would rank them in order of importance and decide which should come first.
Let me give you a hint, you NEED to let go of the thought of having to get it all done!! You still have to have time to breathe.
When you can figure out how to prioritize your priorities, you’ll be living in a way that is meaningful to you. A life that is not so STRESSED and overbooked. A life where you CAN make YOU a PRIORITY. A life where you’ll feel like you have a purpose and not just a huge overwhelming to- do list. You’ll feel more productive and realize that you DO have time to do the important things, like BREATHE!!
As I said in my introduction blog about Making Time for Yourself, once you get your priorities set, you’ll realize you CAN make yourself and your time a PRIORITY. Be sure to read up on it ( CLICK HERE) because YOU deserve to be a PRIORITY in your life.
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