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How to make your MONDAYS better

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I know, we all have that “MONDAY” feeling. When the weekend ends we do NOT look forward to the week. Why is that? Let’s talk about How To Make Your MONDAYS Better.

We’re all T.G.I.F and never T.G.I. M. How about giving Monday the same effort you do to your Friday.  We’re all so busy planning out our weekends and waiting for that Friday work bell to ring so we can chill out on the weekend. I have no issue with that bur there are so many of us who HATE and DESPISE Monday like the plague.

Think about that for a few minutes. WHY do you really hate Mondays? Do you hate your job? Are you not liking your boss this week? Are you missing out on your kids activities because you always have to work?Do you want to quit your job? What is it?

Take a good look at what it is and think about how you can change that. I’m about to start a new series this week on how to not make your MONDAYS suck. There are many ways you can look at Monday in a different way and I’m about to help you and shed some light on all of that. ‘

BUT, for now, take a little peek at this video below where I go into more detail about makings MONDAYS AWESOME!!!

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Hey there, I'm Melanie. I help women DITCH THE DIET MENTALITY and reclaim their health through mindful eating, hormone balancing, stress management, and digestive healing.

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