30 Day Keto Experiment

I’m super excited to launch this awesome course and that you are wanting to join us.

Come and join us for a 30 Day Experiment and learn all about Ketogenic Eating. You will actually learn some science and fully understand what the Ketogenic way of eating is all about.

You will be given everything you need to test and experiment with and develop a plan that works for best you.

  • This is a self paced course with 17 lessons to lead you through your experiment.
  • You will be added to a private Facebook page and you will receive email updates along the way to keep you moving along smoothly during your experiment.
  • You will be required to check in weekly with your progression so I can help you keep track of your results and that you get the most out of this experiment.

Fill out the form below to be added to the waiting list. You will receive an email once registration opens back up for the next course.

30 Day Keto Waiting list